A daily practice of keeping your eyes, mind and heart open.
Are you side-eyeing people who meditate? You’re in the right place.
Finish the sentence, “Meditation is not for me because…”
It’s boring.
It’s pretentious.
It gives me anxiety.
I can’t sit still.
I don’t want to sit still.
I fall asleep.
It’s not my religion.
I’m uncomfortable with silence.
What if meditation didn’t require any of the above? What if you discovered that you were already meditating every day without even knowing it? Binging a series. Scrolling on social media. Browsing online items. Cooking. Running. Gossiping. Fixating on a problem, conversation or future event.
Walking, hiking and running outdoors are excellent examples of active meditations.
The truth is: anything that consumes your focus is considered meditation.
Meditating goes far beyond yoga mats and breathing techniques. It is the simple action of honing one thought.
meditate med·i·tate | \ ˈme-də-ˌtāt
1: to focus one's thoughts on : reflect on or ponder over He was meditating his past achievements.
2: to plan or project in the mind : INTEND, PURPOSE He was meditating revenge.
In order for us to take positive steps towards our future, we must let go of negativity. This can sometimes feel impossible when we are bombarded with it daily. Fear. Anxiety. Mental health challenges. Anger. Depression. Jealousy. Annoyance. Hopelessness.
Negativity is unavoidable, but it is not unshakeable. We have the power to lessen the pessimism, not just for ourselves but for others, too. Even while being isolated from each other, we are in contact with an abundance of loved ones, strangers, headlines, philosophies, challenges and debates that inflame negative thought patterns.
Let’s be honest: in order for the world to get better, we need to be better. Patience, forgiveness, kindness and critical thinking are missing in the world because we don’t do it enough. Long-term progress doesn’t happen overnight and the long-game gets the bigger win
The shade throwing needs to cease. Anger is primal, Awareness is the first step. The next steps involve releasing negativity with empathy forgiveness In order for us to take positive steps towards our future, we must release the shade we throw. This can sometimes feel impossible when we are bombarded with it daily.
Frustration and guilt
Criticism and judgement
Shame, regret and resentment
Jealousy and unhealthy competitiveness
Cynicism and sarcasm
Worries and fears
Uncertainty and hopelessness
Powerlessness and failure
Depression over not being or having enough
Anxiety over being or having too much.
We are surrounded by beautiful, vibrant colors that can trigger a signal to stop those negative thoughts. Colors can act as influencers of our minds. In one minute (or less), colors can easily send signals to our brains that remind us to:
reset and clear our thought process
let go of the things we cannot control
shift our perspectives
find gratitude in the beauty of life
refocus on proactivity
hone a desired outcome
The best part about doing a color mediation is that there aren’t really any instructions.
Be Aware: Start noticing the colors around you (and on you). The clothes you wear, the color of your bedding, your neighbor’s flowers. In an Instagram post. What colors are popping out to you? What colors do you not like? What do those colors represent?
Be Grateful: Not only do you get to see these beautiful colors, but they can shift your entire mood. Let your mind get lost in a gratitude rabbit hole, you will not regret it.
Be Conscious of the colors you choose to bring into your life and your body. Cooking, getting dressed, decorating your home or office, etc.
Be Open to change and incorporating a color that you are not drawn to. Chances are that the color’s properties are missing in your life.
Be Curious with negative thoughts. It’s okay if those dark thoughts pop in; don’t push them away and ask, “Is this the truth or does it come from fear or a misunderstanding?” Then remind yourself, “The truth is, I’m afraid that…” or “The truth is, I’m not sure if…” This will help untangle you from those dark thoughts.
Be Active with your color intention. Depending on who you are and what you need, there are all kinds of ways to do this. Example, wearing blue for a speech or a challenging meeting can help boost your mental game. Let the the blue remind you, “I speak with clarity, compassion, truth and confidence.”
Get colorful with your thoughts; get intentional with your actions.
A new color will be posted every week.